====[ v2.0b ]============================================================== Backup Command If this field in not blank, SPEED will execute the command in this field to back up a message base before a QWK packet is imported. To disable this function, blank this field out. Enter the DOS command, including command line options, needed to execute the compressor program to perform a backup. If the program is not located within your PATH, the full path should be included. You should always have at least 1 command line option, %s. Use %s (the %s MUST be lower case) where the archive filename would go. SPEED will replace %s with the actual filename. For example: Backup: pkzip -uex %s -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SYMBOLIC LANGUAGE Some languages (such as Chinese and Japanese) use a symbolic character set instead of an alphabet. These languages make extensive use of high-bit characters to extend the number of available characters. SPEED uses the high-bit characters to draw lines and boxes. This can produce a confusing display. This toggle converts high-bit line drawing characters to comparable >> low-bit characters, in selected places. Also when this toggle is On >> SPEED excludes high-bit characters when determining a quote. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CARBON COPIES A "Y" in this field allows you to send carbon copies to other users. After the regular message is completed, the Header Window will reappear with a title of Carbon Copy and the number of the current carbon copy. Enter the new information, and press (TAB). To quit press (ESC) or change the CC: field to "N". By default, a carbon copy message will announce it is a carbon copy, show who the original message was to and which conference it was in. >> The carbon copy announcement is stored in the file CARBON.SR and can >> be customized. An asterisk (*) in this field is the same as a "Y", except the carbon copy header is not added at the beginning of each message. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AUTO SIGNATURE When this toggle is "On", SPEED will add your custom signature to the bottom of all your replies and/or a custom header at the top of your message. The signature is stored in the file SIG.SR and the header is stored in the HEADER.SR file. If SIG.SR and HEADER.SR do not exist, use a text editor to create one or both of them in your SPEED directory. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (CTRL-F) The Forward Message command (CTRL-F) allows you to redirect a message to another person. This is especially useful if the other person does not follow the conference where the message originated. By default, a header is added to let the user know the message was forwarded, when the original message was written and the original people involved. The forwarded message announcement is stored in the file FORWARD.SR and can be customized. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- REPLACEABLE VARIABLES SPEED supports several replaceable variables. Replaceable variables are entered directly into a reply and SPEED automatically inserts the referenced text into the final reply. In SPEED replaceable variable are most often used in the files CARBON.SR, FORWARD.SR, HEADER.SR and SIG.SR. Replaceable variables are also available in fields used to run external programs (i.e. editor, tagline manager, DOS command, etc). In the descriptions below, "Original" refers the message to which you are replying. "Original" variables are prefaced with an "o_". "First" refers to the first reply in a series of carbon copies. "First" variables are prefaced with a "f_". "Current" refers to the reply you are generating. #bbs# - Current BBS. #o_bbs# - Original BBS. #f_bbs# - First BBS (used in CARBON.SR). #conf_name# - Current conference name. #o_conf_name# - Original conference name. #f_conf_name# - First conference name (used in CARBON.SR). #conf_num# - Current conference number. #o_conf_num# - Original conference number. #f_conf_num# - First conference number (used in CARBON.SR). #to# - Current To: field. #o_to# - Original To: field. #f_to# - First To: field (used in CARBON.SR). #first# - First name of #to#. #last# - Last name of #to#. #o_from# - Original From: field. #o_subject# - Original Subject: field. #date# - Today's date in mm-dd-year format. #o_date# - Original message's date. #month# - 2-digit month (system date). #day# - 2-digit day (system date). #year# - 2-digit year (system date). #time# - Today's time in hh:mm format. #o_time# - Original message's time. #reply# - Full pathname to $REPLY.SR. #refer# - Full pathname to REFER.SR. #tag# - Inserts a randomly selected tagline. #no_tag# - Eliminates tagline in current message (Reg. Off). The case of replaceable variables, if applicable, is determined by the first letter of the variable (i.e. #bbs# would return "Lunatic" while #BBS# would return "LUNATIC"). ====[ v2.0a ]============================================================== Exclude/Include Quote: When displaying a message, SPEED tries to determine which lines are quotes so that they may be highlighted with a different color. SPEED does this by looking for certain characters within the first 5 characters of a line ('|', '>' and all high-bit characters). Exclude Quote allows you to exclude certain characters that would normally be considered a quote character. For example, if you do not want the beta symbol to cause a line to be highlighted as a quote add á (ALT-225) to this field. Include Quote allows you to include certain characters that would normally not be considered a quote character. For example, add } in this field if you want a line such as "JS} Text" to be considered a quote. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PROGRAMMING USER-DEFINED POPUP MENUS ------------------------------------ Popup menus are available in many places by pressing the (/) key. Menus are available from the BBS List Window, Choose Conference/Area Window, Read Message Screen and Read Replies Screen. These menus are fully customizable by editing the following files: #BBS.MNU - BBS List Window Menu #AREAS.MNU - Choose Conference/Area Window Menu #READ.MNU - Read Message Screen Menu #REPLY.MNU - Read Replies Screen Menu Comments begin with two slashes (//). Comments are ignored, but should be kept to a minimum since they are parsed-out each time the menu is called. Below is an example of a full line comment: // // #BBS.MNU // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- The first two non-comment lines contain the coordinates of the upper left-hand corner of the menu, with the column first then the row. For example: 2 // Left coordinate (column) 4 // Top coordinate (row) The above tells SPEED to put the left-hand corner of the BBS Window Menu on row 4 column 2. The coordinates are relative to a 80 column by 25 row screen where column 1, row 1 is the upper-left corner of the screen and column 80, row 25 is the lower-right corner of the screen. SPEED automatically adjusts the window for screen length in excess of 25 rows. The next row contains the menu's description that will appear on the first row of the window above the selection list. For example: CHOOSE BBS // Menu description The remainder of the lines define the selections that are displayed in the picklist and what action is performed when the item is selected. The tilde (~) defines the highlighted hot-key that instantly selects and executes the option. ~Folders F // Option description The most common type of action is the the return() command. This command returns the scan code of the key SPEED expects to execute the desired command. Note this may or may not differ from the hot-key defined above with the tilde. Use the program KEY.EXE to determine the scancode. In this example 70 is the scan code for upper case F, the the key you need to press to execute the folder menu. return(70) // Return value for (F) In addition to return, two other actions are available, system() and menu(). They are described below with examples. ~View mode [DOS] // Option description system("SR /v") // Execute SPEED in View Mode The system() command executes a DOS command as if it were typed from a DOS prompt. The DOS command must be in "quotes". It is not necessary to preface batch files and internal DOS commands with "COMMAND /c". SPEED does this automatically for you. m~Ore ... // Option description menu("#bbs2.mnu") // Display #BBS2.MNU menu file The menu command executes a child menu. The child menu is a another text file using the same format as described here. You can call as many child menus as memory allows. All menu text files should terminate with the [END] statement as such: [END] To edit a displayed menu press (ALT-E). SPEED load the menu source into your text editor for editing, then will display the changed menu upon exiting your editor. TIP: User defined menus can be called anywhere a DOS program is executed. Such as the Editor:, Tagline Mgr:, External Viewer:, etc. To do this put the menu("#name.mnu") command in the program's field, where "#name.mnu" is the name of the desired menu. For example, if you routinely use more than one editor, create a user defined menu in a text file called #EDITOR.MNU and change your editor command to 'menu("#editor.mnu")'. This will popup the editor menu and allow you to select a specific editor each time before the program is loaded. The same can be done with a tagline manager, etc. Note the %s command line option is not passed to the user defined menus, thus you must explicitly refer to any file usually passed in the %s variable, such as "SE $REPLY.SR", etc. SPEED MENU ---------- The user defined menus are an extremely powerful feature. In addition to the obvious uses within SPEED, they can also be used to build a simple menu program, appropriately called SPEED MENU. To execute SPEED MENU, build the main menu in a text file called #MENU.MNU and start SPEED with the /#menu command line option. The main menu will be displayed for you to make a selection or to edit via (ALT-E).